Our Story


Après Ski is French for "after ski,"

… and it marks the shift from downhill, tips-up ski runs, to one too many drinks with friends, both old and new. Après Ski usually gets going when the lifts stop running, and simmers down around dinner time. Many would say it’s as important to ski culture as the joy of skiing itself. A few things remain the same wherever you go: there will be plenty of ski stories, sometimes wild moments, and alcohol-forged friendships.



When Après Ski commences, the social activities begin which include (but not limited to) cocktails, laughter, stories, a positive vibe, and of course good music. Inspired by a 100-year snowmageddon storm (with skiing) in Ausin, Texas we SET OUT TO create a purely premium handcrafted vodka to encapsulate and celebrate all that is Après Ski.

We know what
you’re thinking…